Into the World of Lucid Dreaming

Dreams, as we know, are an orchestra of amazement, strangeness, marvel and the impossible.However, most of the time, we are unable to explain these unusual experiences. Most of us desire the power to control our dreams. A phenomenon known as ‘lucid dreaming’ helps you feed into this desire by empowering you to control your dreams.

Simply put, lucid dreaming is the ability to recognise that you are dreaming and be able to change the outcome of the dream. Everyone dreams 3-7 times in a night, and this also brings the opportunities to practise lucidity in your dreams. There are numerous techniques that you can use to teach yourself the art of lucid dreaming.

Lucid dreamers are well aware of the fact that the world they are living in is in fact, a manifestation of their own imagination. This awareness is so powerful that they can create/ transform objects, situations, persons, even themselves. Their dream world simply doesn’t obey the classic rules of physics and that of the society.

From something as simple as flying, to something as complex as building castles of gold, the opportunities of imagination in the world of lucid dreams are endless.
The concept of lucid dreaming is not novel. It has been in this world since centuries, but has remained a less studied phenomenon. This field has suddenly attracted attention from the people outside scientific dream research because of a recent finding, that with proper training, anyone can learn to have lucid dreams.
The most common technique for lucid dreaming is to keep a dream journal. Dream journals help you keep track of your dreams. Whether you remember that dream or not, make it a point to always enter into your dream journal.

Another technique is performing reality checks. Simple task like reading a sentence or checking the time can go awry in a dream. Keep practicing these actions in your waking life, so that they become spontaneous in your dream. This can help you realise that you are dreaming and empower you to take control of your dream.
The next technique is something called as Mnemonically Induced Lucid Dreams (MILD). While you are feeling drowsy, or just about to sleep, recall your recent dream or create a scenario taking control of it. You can also keep telling yourself that you will have a lucid dream tonight, thus supporting the idea to be aware in your dream.
You can try a more advanced technique called Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming after you have a success with MILD. The idea behind this is to keep your mind aware for lucidity as you slowly drift into your sleep.

The lines between the state of dreaming and the Subconscious mind are so blurred, that modern psychologists suggest that lucid dreams help you find your deepest identity and your unknown secrets.

The benefits of lucid dreaming go a long way. You can use lucid dreaming as a tool to practice real life skills, decision making, even uplifting your own mood. Some people use lucid dreaming as a way of expression, while some others use it as a tool to peek into their subconscious mind.

Lucid dreams can be extremely vivid and pleasurable. People often define lucid dreams as one of the most wonderful experiences of their lives. In my opinion, this feature of lucid dreams is what drives people to learn and explore it.

There are numerous testimonials on the internet about how lucid dreams have transformed the waking lives of individuals, and also to mention, in a positive way.
Even when the scientific and therapeutic usage of lucid dreaming is still in its nascent form, it is still widely used as a tool of exploration and self-knowledge.

However, not everyone should explore lucid dreaming, like the people who have some form of psychological ailment, especially the people who have difficulty distinguishing between the reality and dreams, unless suggested by the doctor.
However, the ability to lucid dream will bring to you, an immense power of self-exploration and an opportunity to be more aware of your current state. Perhaps, helping you be mindful in your waking life.

Authorship: Akshay Dixit, Community Outreach Coordinator & Research Associate at Synapsium

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